Albert Pike Letter to Mazzini

The Illuminati Plan for 3 World Wars, August 15, 1871
The following is a letter, that speculation claimed that Albert Pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini in
1871 regarding a conspiracy involving three world wars, that were planned in an attempt to tak
over the world. The Pike letter to Giuseppe Mazzini was on display in the British Museum Library
in London until 1977. This letter has been claimed by many internet sites to reside in the British
Library in London, which denies the letter exists.
The letter is also referenced in the book ‘Pawns in the Game’ by William Guy Carr from 1958

The earliest book that makes reference to a “letter” by Pike is Le Diable au XIXème Siècle by “Docteur Bataille”. This just so happens to be the pseudonym of self professed hoaxer from the 1890s called Léo Taxil.

The Secret Chiefs’ plan [1]

In the early days of August 1871, less than a year after the constitution of Palladism (Supreme Rite), the “learned Luciferian pontiff” Albert Pike received an important letter from Mazzini. The political leader of universal Freemasonry invited the supreme and dogmatic leader of the sect to draw up a precise plan of campaign for the destruction of Roman Catholicism.

The unity of Italy,” he said, “has never been considered by us as a goal, but as a means.

Albert Pike called together his ten solemn hour councillors, the members of the Serenissima Grand College of Emeritus Masons, and submitted for their consideration the question posed by the most illustrious brother Giuseppe Mazzini.

From this meeting of the eleven highest lights of the infernal sect, from this diabolical conciliabule which lasted seven days (from 9 to 15 August), came the following document, carefully deliberated and inspired without doubt by Satan in person (translated from the original text, which is in Latin):

“The Serene Grand College of Emeritus Masons, meeting under the presidency of the Most Illustrious, Most Powerful and Most Divinely Enlightened Brother Limmud-Ensoph[2], Grand Master Conservator of the Sacred Palladium, Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, has respectfully received the Noble and Worthy Vault emanating from the Most Illustrious, Most Powerful and Most Enlightened Brother Emounah-Shemed, Chief of Political Action and Grand Dictator President of the Sovereign Executive Directory, dated the first day of the Ab Moon, eighteenth day of the fifth month of the year of True Light 00871, and, under the eye of the Almighty Divine Master Excelsus Excelsior, has taken it into consideration, has examined the matters of supreme interest therein set forth, and then, after deliberation, has fixed the legitimate conclusions which from this day forth shall have the force of law.

“Rihab Sabba, Ahta Ahtnanoc Malog Hcsorem, Lucifer. Alleluia!

“The destruction of bad Catholicism, which cannot be done all at once, and the building of good Catholicism, which also requires a great deal of work, are two parallel works, which must be carried out at the same time, so that when the temple of Adonai, undermined on all sides, is ready to collapse for ever in its total ruin, the same impulse that will destroy it will uncover, in the eyes of duly prepared humanity, the temple, hitherto hidden, of our Divine Master.

“Lucifer God-King will then see the whole world devote itself to him and worship him; his religion will then be truly Catholic.

“The title of Catholic does not, indeed, belong to Roman superstition. It is certain, by revelation, that its peak number will never reach a quarter of the population of the globe; this is written in the Book of Heaven. On the other hand, the religion of Adonai has had its maximum domination, and it is visible that it is in decline.

“It is necessary for us to consider the religious situation of mankind if we are to act safely in the twofold work of destroying the temple of Adonai and building the temple of Lucifer. This preliminary glance will give us courage and good hope in the fulfilment of the divine promises; for it will show us that the future is ours, and that the title of Catholic is reserved for us alone.

“One billion four hundred million inhabitants is the population of the globe. Of this number, Roman Catholicism has only two hundred and ten million followers.

“However, we must classify the followers of religions into groups.

“The Christian group can be subdivided as follows: Roman Catholics, two hundred and ten million; Protestants, one hundred and twenty million; Orthodox, whom the Pope of superstition calls schismatics, eighty million.

“The Indian group is subdivided as follows: Buddhists, four hundred and twenty million; Brahmins, one hundred and sixty million.

“The Mohammedans, two hundred million, must be set apart.

“Let us observe that the truth is known to the priests of Vedism (Indian group), and that the Mohammedans, without yet having the truth, have a large number of their priests inspired by it.

“Two hundred and thirty-three million idolaters, fetishists or worshippers of various idols, are destined to disappear with civilisation, not as individuals but as religionists. The missionaries of Roman Catholicism want to conquer them, but Roman Catholicism itself will have disappeared before this conquest has been accomplished in any serious way.

“The Israelite religion has seven million adherents; this small group is not inclined to be taken over by Roman Catholicism; it is promised to us by revelation.

“Finally, statisticians estimate that there are twenty-eight million deist freethinkers spread over the surface of the globe, and two million atheists. Both are mostly deserters from the Christian group.

“However, it is not appropriate to consider the whole Christian group as distant from the true light to the same degree. Protestantism, in all but a tiny minority of its many fractions, is made up of followers who reason, who constantly seek the truth, and who, consequently, will find it; it is from them that we get the largest number of followers of the Good-God. The orthodox or schismatics, on the other hand, are the promised prey of the Evil God, as it is written in the Book of Heaven. But when the Orthodox join Roman Catholicism, the latter will not have three hundred million followers.

“The conversion of the Protestants to the Temple of the True Light will be gradual, says Revelation; that of the Mohammedans will be determined entirely and unexpectedly by a great event which will occur under the sixth sovereign pontificate of good Catholicism. From this, it follows that three hundred and twenty million souls will be enlightened, far from being doomed, any day, to the darkness of cursed superstition.

“According to revelation, Roman Catholicism will therefore always decrease, either through the conquests of souls that we will make over it, or through the desertions that will increase the number of deist freethinkers, and we know that these are in a state of transition and are finally promised to us.

“On the other hand, we need not concern ourselves with the state of transition of the Indian group; for its priests already have the true light.

“This is why, at the hour marked in the Book of Heaven, that is to say, when Roman Catholicism will have reached its last maximum of followers through the reunion of the orthodox or schismatics, it will find in front of it more than a billion Luciferian Catholics.

“The question therefore boils down to this: We must be ready, when we find ourselves to be a billion or more, flying our banners high at last, to produce the explosion that will blow up the Temple of Adonai; then, in other words, superstition must be so impotent and ruined that its followers will melt into our ranks of their own accord – and we are promised the dazzling miracles that will open their eyes – and that, if there are still a few stubborn priests who want to preach the Evil God, their extermination will be carried out without any difficulty.

“How, then, is everything to be directed so that we gradually and peacefully reach this inescapable deadline?

“The tactics vary, depending on whether we are operating in a country where the Roman Catholic element is dominant or in a country where the Protestant element is dominant, in this case the Christian group.

“The main work is that of transforming Roman Catholics into deist freethinkers. We must apply ourselves to this with all our strength, for this will be the transition of the greatest number. Experience has shown that few privileged souls leap from the abyss of obscurantism to take bold flight into the ether of divine and life-giving light.

“To achieve this, the seats of government of these peoples must be conquered. Either in republics or in monarchical states, we must have laws promulgated, annihilating everywhere the influence of the priests of superstition and their auxiliaries, the monks who mingle with the people and the nuns who keep souls in error, by covering themselves with the cloak of deceptive benevolence. We must, on the one hand, by means of the press whose writers we inspire, show how degrading it is for human dignity to receive alms from bad Catholics, and this by emphasising that the individual has a right to well-being through social reforms and not through routine charity, and, on the other hand, by means of legislative parliaments or in any other way, to disperse the unpopular congregations, to skillfully ruin those that secular prejudices still oblige to spare, in a word, to make everything that is monk or nun disappear first.

“In the intellectual sphere, especially, it is necessary to obtain from the public authorities the neutrality of the school, so that the priest or any of his auxiliaries no longer penetrate it; then, we will succeed in diverting parents from the thought, which they might have in the early days of neutralisation, of having their children receive Roman Catholic teaching outside the neutralised school. Indeed, preventing the new generations from having their intelligence obliterated by the lies of bad dogmas is a crucial point. But at the same time, serious measures must be taken to ensure that official teaching remains neutral and does not fall into atheism; neutrality is enough for us, in other words, to stifle any tendency to insinuate false Adonait dogmas into young brains. There is, in fact, an innate feeling in the human soul that pushes the individual towards a divine ideal, that makes him instinctively understand the existence of a supreme being, a supernatural factor, organiser and mover of the universe. If this feeling is allowed to blossom freely, i.e. without being directed criminally towards superstition, the religion of the Evil God, it will first float in the half-light of a vague deism, uncontaminated by the foul breath of Roman Catholicism ; Then, when the hour has come for the Good-God to show himself, the only one truly worthy of the adoration of humanity, it is to him that all the undecided aspirations of the children who have become men will be directed; and thus, by keeping childhood and adolescence away from Adonai, we will be committing the maturity of the new generations to Lucifer, by the mere fact of the inclination of nature. It is therefore absolutely necessary that the clearly atheist teacher be eliminated from the school, if he were to enter it after we have expelled the Adonaïte priest, and that the instruction books, placed in the hands of the children, while being purged of the lying dogmas of Roman Catholicism, posit in principle, but without precise definition, the existence of a supreme being.

“While the new generations are being trained in this way, it will be necessary to combat adonaïsm in people’s minds, by all kinds of publications showing how monstrous and ridiculous the idea of divinity is, as represented by the priests of superstition. In this struggle, we must not neglect the pamphlet, the satire, the mockery, which strike the masses much better than learned dissertations. Let us never forget the good Voltaire did our cause by ridiculing Roman Catholicism. But it is not for the pleasure of jokes and laughter that we should adopt this excellent tactic: by discrediting the false dogmas and worship of Adonaites, we will discredit the ministers of this detestable religion; we will gradually succeed in making its churches desert. Indeed, we must not rely solely on the result of the laws obtained; for, when we have succeeded in completely depriving the Roman Catholic clergy of the subsidies granted by the States, they will obtain pecuniary compensation from the sums they will extract directly from the fanatics who remain incurably credulous. The only way to reduce the number of these exploited wretches is to discredit – all the institutions of Roman Catholicism; individuals with the slightest common sense must come to regard themselves as ridiculous whenever they have the weakness to resort to the sacraments of superstition; in this way, for fear of ridicule, they will stop supporting impostor priests. The press, inspired by us, will draw comparisons between them and the ministers of Adonai, and will confuse them in the same mockery and the same reprobation.

“On the other hand, by all legislative or other means, recruitment to the Roman Catholic priesthood will be restricted. A salutary work will be accomplished by giving young priests a real knowledge of social life, which their educators show them under false appearances. It will be necessary to have reliable women who will devote themselves to initiating them into the benefits of the Good-God. The results to be obtained in this way will be fruitful; for one of two things will happen: either the Adonaitic priest, once he has tasted the sweet joys which papal barbarism forbids him, will retire from the clergy and will then be the public demonstration of the fact that nature condemns systematic and absolute celibacy; or else, he will remain in the priestly caste, and then he will soon be ours secretly, not as an ally, but as quite ours, and he will render us the most precious services in undermining the temple of Adonai.

“In every way and under every circumstance, the Roman Catholic priest must be emptied, and this clergy, becoming more and more despised, hated and reviled, must be reduced in number, without stopping at any consideration to obtain this result. On the one hand, there will be an increase in the number of societies for urban or rural pleasure, circles, non-religious festivals, etc.; on the other hand, this anti-Catholic-Roman slogan will be boldly advocated everywhere, as one would do for a doctrine: “No priest at birth! no priest at marriage! no priest at death!” and the creation of any association of supporters established with this programme will be encouraged. Finally, any act committed by an adonaïte priest which is likely to discredit the priestly guild will be loudly denounced as a scandal; that if, however, it is a matter of an act which is not bad in itself, but only in contradiction with the cruel law of chastity pretentiously claimed by Papism, which wants to make people believe that its clergy is above nature, in this case, it would be advisable not to publicise the matter unless the author of the infraction of ecclesiastical regulations is judged capable of becoming our secret agent.

“This is the procedure to follow for all the countries in the Christian group.

“In particular, we must stop for a moment to look at Italy. There, Freemasonry, while following to the letter the line of conduct we have just outlined, will also have the duty to work, with the greatest activity and without ever tiring of it, for the repeal of the law which was passed three months ago and to which the Chief of Political Action drew our attention[3]. They will begin by attacking outrageously the system of two sovereignties in the same country, in the same capital; they will point out the disadvantage resulting from a double diplomatic corps, half of which will be accredited to an Italian in a state of permanent conspiracy against his own homeland. This campaign by Italian masonry will have to be supported by the masonry of the countries having an ambassador to the pontiff of Roman superstition; motions will be tabled for the suppression of these embassies; it will be insisted on this point, that the fact of the existence of embassies to the aforementioned pontiff depends solely on the magnanimity of Italy, which was willing to recognise the character and prerogatives of the sovereign to a leader of a sect, henceforth without territory. Next, the inviolability so imprudently granted to the ecclesiastical congregations forming the high spiritual administration of the supreme seat of Roman superstition will be attacked. Conflicts will be stirred up between the national political authority and any leaders under pontifical authority. Every opportunity will be taken to incite the people against the very person of the occupant of this accursed see, so that if he were to leave his Vatican, there would be unrest. Italian public opinion will have to be accustomed to regarding the Pope’s presence in the country as a dangerous embarrassment.

“When public opinion is ripe to accept the expulsion of the Pope voted by a parliament with a Masonic majority, it will be appropriate for one of us to table a bill along the following lines:

“Art. 1. – Italy does not recognise any State religion.

“Art. 2 – The Christian Church, formerly known as Catholic, in order to continue to have the right to the free exercise of its worship, must be exclusively Italian in Italy.

“Art. 3 – Its bishops are authorised to meet in a general national council and to appoint one of their number Patriarch for the Peninsula, Sardinia and Sicily.

“Art. 4 – The present Pope is eligible to this dignity, on condition that he renounce all higher Christian leadership other than that of the Church of Italy.

“Art. 5 – As the Christian Patriarch of Italy has no sovereign character, no foreign ambassador can be accredited to him.

“Art. 6 – The Sacred College of Cardinals ceases to exist, as do the Congregations known as the Holy Office, the Council, Propaganda, Rites, the Index, Indulgences, and, in a word, all higher ecclesiastical committees functioning with a view to universal administration, whether spiritual or financial.

“Art. 7 – The titles of Cardinal and Archbishop are abolished; all Bishops are on the same footing with regard to civil power, with the exception of the Patriarch, who is the first Italian Bishop and who, in the official ceremonies of the State, will take his place between the Presidents of the Courts of Cassation and the President of the Court of Auditors.

“Art. 8 – Each Bishop administers his diocese under the control of the State; the Bishops need only refer to the Patriarch in matters of a purely spiritual or liturgical nature.

“Art. 9 – Any act committed by the Patriarch in violation of the present law will result in his immediate dismissal and banishment.

“Art. 10 – Any bishop who is found to be an accomplice of the Patriarch who violates the law shall incur the penalty of imprisonment in a fortress for five to ten years, and shall also be degraded in the presence of the people assembled in the public square or forecourt of the cathedral of his diocese.

“Art. 11 – A Central Commission for Religious Affairs, composed of as many lay members as there are dioceses, and whose members will be appointed by Parliament, will centralise all the reports of the civil authorities on administrative or other acts relating to the dioceses and will form a permanent higher council responsible for settling all disputes between the Bishops and their ecclesiastical subordinates, with the exception of questions of a purely spiritual or liturgical nature, which remain subject to the sole supreme jurisdiction of the Patriarch.

“Art. 12 – The Parish Priests will be elected by the faithful, voting by secret ballot, and will remain attached irremovably to their parish; the current Parish Priests, declared eligible by the present law, but not imposed on the faithful, will be subject, within six months from this day, to the confirmation of their function and title by the free suffrage of their parishioners.

“Art. 13 – The Bishops will be appointed by the Patriarch upon presentation by the government choosing three candidates; nevertheless, the current Bishops, who accept the present regulation of the religious question, will remain in office; any Bishop who does not accept will revert to being a simple priest, will be provided with a vicariate of a rural parish by his successor at the head of the diocese, and will remain forever ineligible for a Cure.

“At the same time as this bill is tabled in the Italian Chamber of Deputies, a copy of it, which will have been sent beforehand, in all countries infected with Roman Catholicism, to newspapers edited by our own, will immediately be published everywhere, accompanied by high praise. A unanimous chorus of articles will celebrate the wisdom of the Italian liberals, crediting them with having found such a good solution to the religious question. The absurdity of the situation that had existed until then was highlighted: how bad it was for Italy to have one of its citizens conspiring against the country, as the irreducible leader of a religion that claimed to be universal and professed to place itself above the country’s legitimate authorities; and how bad it was for the other nations to each have a real State organised within the State, with a whole staff of priests, in reality civil servants dependent on a foreign sovereign. The newspapers will invite the progressive deputies of their country to promptly present a similar bill, freeing the national clergy of this so-called Catholic cult from the external yoke, and constituting it as a free priesthood of a religion whose followers will have nothing in common with those practising the same cult in another country, other than their belief. A great agitation will thus be created in the various countries where the followers of Roman Catholicism are numerous, and, by legal means, by means of a general agreement emanating from Freemasonry, they will proceed to break up the evil religion.

“These events will not take place in twenty or thirty years. They will be brought about when Roman Catholicism is already completely discredited, when only old women and a few incurable lunatics form its clientele of supporters, and when a significant part of its clergy is secretly won over to us.

“When favourable circumstances arise, if this or that country, having been better off than others, has already completely abolished the budget for cults and reduced the priests of superstition to the offerings of the faithful, made more and more restricted by legal obstacles, in this case, it will be useful, in this or these countries, to re-establish State subsidies to the members of the various clergy and even to show generosity towards the priests of Adonaism who will accept the new situation. It will be loudly proclaimed that the State, wishing to protect religion as soon as it is no longer a pretext for plotting with foreigners, is magnificently endowing the priestly corps. Nothing must be overlooked to ensure the fragmentation of the religion of Adonai and to deprive it of its international character. This, in fact, is what will make it possible, a little later, to extirpate it completely and definitively.

“We cannot therefore do too much to bring about this important result one day, without ever letting ourselves be discouraged by the difficulties of the undertaking.

“Moreover, we must nourish in our hearts not only the hope, but even the certainty, that the accomplishment of the fragmentation of Adonaism is not a chimera; for it is promised to us by Revelation, in the book entitled On the Redemption, in the Apadno.

“It is also said that the Pope of superstition, sitting in Rome at the time of the division, will refuse to acquiesce in the new situation of his Church, and that he will hurl his wrath, now powerless, against the governments participating in this great work of social salvation. Italy will expel him, and the accursed Papacy will wander and be obliged to return to darkness for some time, for the governments will impose severe penalties on those who maintain their adherence to him and thus conspire with him.

“But it is also written that the Wandering-Pope, shepherd of a scattered flock, pilot of the bewildered boat of Cephas, and sixth successor of the man of pride under whom the temporal power of the infamous pontificate collapsed, will be taken in, after expulsion after expulsion, by the Slavic autocrat, who will affect to pay him great honours. Adonaism would then attempt to reconstitute itself as it had before the expulsion from Rome; with the Pope-Wandering close to death in Russia, the imperial autocrat would prostrate himself at his feet, and the nations that had hitherto practised Orthodoxy, i.e. the schismatic religion of the East, would fairly quickly rally to the old Roman Catholicism that had been vomited out of Italy. The Wandering-Pope, on his deathbed, will be happy to see these new followers replace the Westerners recently separated from his Church, and, within the nations that will have carried out the fragmentation of Adonaism, he will still have followers, these hiding to indulge in the practices of the reprobated superstition; before expiring, he will have maintained the episcopate to the bishops of the Eastern schism, and he will have instituted, among them, Greek and Russian cardinals. His successor would be a Slav; the seat of the Adonait papacy would be established in the northern city of Peter, with the proviso that Rome would have to be reconquered. But it was in vain that the imperial autocrat, in the hope of extending his domination, made himself a crusader of Adonaism; his efforts came to nothing, and the formerly Roman Church remained fragmented among the nations of Western Europe. Thus, Russia will be the last refuge and the last bulwark of Adonaism claiming to be Catholic.

“Among Western peoples, as soon as the new religious regime is legalised, it will be necessary to radically suppress these dangerous propagandists who call themselves missionaries and go to our brothers in Asia, as well as to the idolaters of Africa and Oceania, whose conversion must be our work, to spread the lies of their poisonous preaching. Governments will forbid, under the most severe penalties, these detestable emigrations, which are likely to create incessant conflicts with the Asian nations, whose faith, now perfectly enlightened by the efforts of the wise Thibetan priests united to our auxiliary masonry in India and China, must be respected. And, without waiting for the distant future of these events, every mason has, from now on, the duty to fight, by pen and by word, the so-called Catholic missionaries and to breathe into the profane world contempt for them and an inextinguishable hatred. These missionaries are our deadliest enemies. Anyone who, as a Freemason, does not fight them will be considered a traitor; anyone who associates himself with their harmful action or only supports it by public praise will be struck down.

“Finally, it will be good to nurture, in the lower classes of every nation, the ferment of revolutionary ideas, even those of the socialists most inclined to violent extremes. Since atheism is bad in itself, by diverting from its true purpose any work of anti-Christian humanitarian renewal, we must channel it and mix it with the most exaggerated social doctrines, which are destined to be ultimately unsuccessful, since they can only cause a momentary upheaval, immediately followed by an energetic reaction. Now, on the one hand, we will discredit to the last degree the superstitious theory of divinity, in such a way that the peoples still impregnated with Adonaism will gradually detach themselves from it and will end up by no longer believing in it at all, and the last priests of fragmented, crumbling Adonaism will be completely won over to us in the time of the new religious regime, which will be a state of transition, like free-thinking deism ; On the other hand, we will be careful not to wrest belief in the divine supernatural from the multitude, but will confine ourselves to proclaiming the existence of a supreme being on all occasions, without making our holy traditions and mystical revelations publicly known. This is the will of the Good-God.

“This is why, when the autocratic empire of Russia has become the citadel of papist adonaïsm, we will unleash the nihilist and atheist revolutionaries, and we will provoke a formidable social cataclysm, which will clearly show the nations, and in all its horror, the effect of absolute unbelief, the mother of savagery and the bloodiest disorder. Then, everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the insane minority of rebels, will exterminate these destroyers of civilisation ; and the innumerable disillusioned Adonaïsms, whose deistic souls have remained without a compass until now, thirsting for the ideal but not knowing to which god to pay their homage, will receive the True Light, through the universal manifestation of pure Luciferian doctrine, made public at last, a manifestation which will arise from the general movement of reaction, following the crushing of atheism and Adonaïsm, both defeated and exterminated around the same time.

“The birth of the religion of Lucifer God-Good, establishing itself forever without rival on the terrestrial globe, could not be an instantaneous operation, not of a year, not of a lustre, not of a century. A lasting work is one that is created by slow progression. The nineteenth century saw the conception of true and good Catholicism; the twentieth century will be the century of gestation, to bring the parturition surely to its term fixed in the book of heaven (September 29, 1996 of the then finished Christian era).

“Written and given in Solemn Vault, and signed, at the feet of the Sacred Palladium, by the Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry and by the ten Elders composing the Serene Grand College of Emeritus Masons, at the Supreme Orient of Charleston, in the beloved Valley of the Divine Master, on the 29th and last day of the Ab Moon of the year 000871 of the True Light (August 15, 1871, vulgar era).”

This is the secret plan which formulates and sums up the tactics and hopes of the sect.

Should we not conclude with the mysterious answer of the sacred word of the Kadosch knights?

“Pharasch-Chol”. All explained.

1 It is useful here to make a modification to the order of the chapters of my work; it will, incidentally, be the only one. In my first volume, on pages 482 et seq., I indicated the division I needed to adopt in order to be clear and complete, and I announced eight chapters for this viiith part. However, in the classification of my notes, I realize that the three chapters devoted to plots against the Papacy, the general state and annual assessments of universal Freemasonry, will find a more rational place in Part X, Theurgy or White Magic, part reserved for Palladism. In fact, the documents to be produced, while shedding light on the strengths and resources of the sect, largely apply to High Masonry, i.e. to the Supreme Rite of the Palladium; and, secondly, the story of a plot against Leo XIII has its place better marked in the chapter which will be devoted to Sophie Walder. Finally, the Plan des chefs secrets, which I am publishing here is the best conclusion to the revelations on the Combat contre l’Église.

2 In documents that are essentially Palladic and intended exclusively for triangles, the senior chiefs of High Masonry never sign or are designated otherwise than by their name of “divine consecration”. We know that in the Serenissima Grand College, these names are cabalistic and pass from one to another as they are replaced following death. Thus, the Supreme Head is always Ensoph, as President of the Serenissima Grand College; but an honorific qualifier distinguishes him personally. Albert Pike called himself a Limmud, which means “full of science”.

3 This is obviously the Law of Guarantees, which, after being passed by the Chamber of Deputies, passed to the Italian Senate on 2 May.

The prediction about the 3 World Wars appers first in the book Phoenix Rising: The Rise and Fall of the American Republic by Donald G. Lett , Donald G. Lett Jr. published in 2008

The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the
power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The
divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic
Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used
in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”
The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the
Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.
During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to
balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we
would need it for the final social cataclysm.”
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the
“agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The
war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism
(the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the
point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the
Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror
will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most
bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of
revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned
with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction,
anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light
through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the
destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

  • Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian revolutionary leader of the mid 1800s as well as the
    Director of the Illuminati
  • Albert Pike (historical Masonic figure) was a 33rd degree Freemason, Occultist, Grand
    Master and creator of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Masonic Scottish Rite Order
    Following are apparently extracts from the letter, showing how Three World Wars have been
    planned for many generations.

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